LN-QRM #33: Year in Review

This is our first podcast in the new year. We decided to do a Year in Review show… but… we got bored real fast. So enjoy listening to… The Year in Review… kind of.
Hosts: Jash, Barry J & Michael
Recorded: 1/1/2012


Weather check
Happy New Year!
Earthquake & Tsunami in Japan
Arab Spring
Bin Ladin Killed
Gabrielle Giffords
Steve Jobs
Occupy Wall Street
iPhone comes to Verizon
iPhone 4s
iPad 2
Galaxy S
Galaxy Tablet
Microsoft buys Skype
Windows 7 phone
Chevy Volt
OSX Lion
Google buys Motorola Mobility
AT&T Tries to acquire T-Mobile
Boeing 787 Dreamliner
Android Ice Cream Sandwich
Bye Bye Flash, Hello HTML5
Amazon Kindle spawns a Fire
In other news…
No Agenda Skype Fail
Run Like A Finn

Musical guest:
Cantaloop with his song Sad
Theme Song: Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band “Hit the Ground Running