This was recorded back on October 10th, AKA 10/10/10, which is binary for 42, the answer to life, the universe and everything. OK, unless you are a Douglas Adams fan, you won’t get the meaning behind that. If you have never read the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy series, I highly recommend it! We had a fun time recording this one, so, please enjoy.
- Barry J is in GOD MODE on the mixer board!
- Happy 10/10/10 day!
- It’s Peak Week in the Monadnock Region
- Barry’s home project – moving dirt
- Autumn in the U.P.
- Jash playing with Bit Torrent
- Microsoft offers the Windows 7 Family Pack again
- What are we drinking?
- Verizon to debut LTE in 38 cities, ‘half a dozen’ 4G smartphones and tablets in 1H 2011
- Verizon iPhone to Start Mass Production, Apple Working on 5th-Gen iPhone
- Jash waiting for the Verizon iPhone
- Jash went back to his indestructible military spec flip phone… LOL!!!
- iPad – It’s cool, but do you need one?
- Podcasters should keep their shows to one hour
- Hiding cell towers as flag poles
- Google Goggles reaches the App Store, only supported on iPhone 3GS and iPhone 4
- Logitech Revue and accessories hands-on! (Update: video of video calling!)
- Political Signs Suck!!!
- Damn Leaf Peepers!
- Political TV Commercials Suck!!!
- Christmas Commercials Suck!!!
Tonight’s musical guest: Dean Gray with his mashup, Doctor Who on Holiday
Theme Song: Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band “Hit the Ground Running”