LN-QRM #114: Apple Picking Season

Recorded: 25 October 2013

Hosts: Joel, Barry & Michael


Keene Breaks the lit pumpkin record!
Windows 8.1 upgrade… Not so great
Mavericks is here and it’s free!!!
New MacBook Pros
New Mac Pro
New Retina iPad mini
New iPad Air
Microsoft is dropping the Skype API

Musical Guest: Bobby Johnson with “I Got Your Back”

Theme Song: Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band “Hit the Ground Running”

LN-QRM #69: A Super Storm is coming!

Recorded: 28 October 2012

Hosts: Jash, Barry J, Barty and Michael

First an earthquake, now a super storm?
Apple Paluza – iPad Mini, iPad 4th Gen, Thin iMacs, updated Mac Mini, 13 inch Retina Display MacBook Pro
GPS talk
Windows 8 is in da studio
Michael’s XBOX 360 IS screwed…
Thunder and Lightning, oh, my! (Oh Crap)
World’s crappiest installation of a G5RV antenna
Sleep Number Bed
No answer from Mevio or Ubercaster yet…
Heat in the office! say goodbye to the pot belly
Cold afternoon, several grinding disks, and a burned out Dremmel on the mountain.
Oooops, I did it again!
Construction of a Verizon Cell Tower has commenced 8 miles from my house!
Wild turkeys?

Musical Guest:
May Stands Still with “Gotta See”

Theme Song: Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band “Hit the Ground Running”