LN-QRM #69: A Super Storm is coming!

Recorded: 28 October 2012

Hosts: Jash, Barry J, Barty and Michael

First an earthquake, now a super storm?
Apple Paluza – iPad Mini, iPad 4th Gen, Thin iMacs, updated Mac Mini, 13 inch Retina Display MacBook Pro
GPS talk
Windows 8 is in da studio
Michael’s XBOX 360 IS screwed…
Thunder and Lightning, oh, my! (Oh Crap)
World’s crappiest installation of a G5RV antenna
Sleep Number Bed
No answer from Mevio or Ubercaster yet…
Heat in the office! say goodbye to the pot belly
Cold afternoon, several grinding disks, and a burned out Dremmel on the mountain.
Oooops, I did it again!
Construction of a Verizon Cell Tower has commenced 8 miles from my house!
Wild turkeys?

Musical Guest:
May Stands Still with “Gotta See”

Theme Song: Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band “Hit the Ground Running”

LN-QRM #56: Summer Heat

Recorded: 8 July 2012

Hosts: Jash, Barry J & Barty


The house painting has begun
Jash’s son levels Barry up to 20 in MW3
Google announces end date for iGoogle
iPad Mini?
Upgrade to Windows 8, $39 – Thank you Apple!
Microsoft takes a loss

Musical Guest: Chasing Claymores with “Im Taking It Back, Im Taking Them All Back”

Theme Song: Gordon Goodwin’s Big Phat Band “Hit the Ground Running”